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  • AM Systems (18)
  • Deactivation (5)
  • MFD Systems (1)
  • RFID Systems (4)
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  • Relay Central

    Relay Central

    RELAY CENTRAL is a connection centralizer. It is capable of driving the several alarms generated in the systems and ring up to 3 con gurable relays. Connection to the systems...

    Pager APP


    Dexilon systems have the possibility to be equipped with silent alarm. This feature allows silent transmission of all kinds of alarms available in the system. Security staff will receive all...

    Magnet Detection

    Magnet Detection

    Upgrading the system with integrated magnet/detacher detection feature, it is also possible to detect any person coming into the store with commercial detachers or strong magnets used to remove tags...

    Metal Detection

    Metal detection

    Upgrading the system with integrated metal detection feature, it is also possible to detect any person coming into the store with metal foil bags used to remove goods from the...


    Dexilon Shields EAS system

    Dexilon Shields have the possibility to be combined with Dexilon systems. This product allows the installer to reduce the backfield detection of the EAS system. This is useful to reduce...


    Dexilon Protectors.

    This product allows the retailer to lengthen the life of the Dexilon EAS system, protecting it from unintentional hits from trolleys or other devices.


    Small RX antennas

    Dexilon Extender Antennas are small RX antennas intended to be used in the place of complete RX antennas. If the need of some extra detection does not justify the use...

    People Counter

    Accurately counting retail traffic

    Experts agree that accurately counting retail traffic or visitor traffic with electronic people counters, is the only way marketing professionals can make sound strategic decisions. With this in mind Dexilon...

    TCP/IP Module

    Remotely connect to the systems

    Dexilon TCP-IP Module allows to remotely connect to the systems. It is a perfect tool not only for the installer but also for the retailer. It will reduce many of...

    Deactivator vertical holder

    Deactivator vertical holder

    This product allows the retailer to install the deactivators in several positions and locations.

    Deactivator horizontal holder

    Deactivator horizontal holder

    This product allows the retailer to install the deactivators in several positions and locations.